In light of the spread of COVID-19 and the latest advice from the Swedish Health Authority, please take notice of the following for the sake of your health and other’s health:
– Wash your hands when entering the office each morning.
– Wash your hands before lunch and before touching food at other times (Here’s a link to a video that shows you how to wash hands effectively:
– If you cough or sneeze, do so into the crook of your elbow.
– Go home if you feel unwell or better still, do not come into the office in the first place if you are feeling unwell.
– If you have traveled in infected areas and feel symptoms, call 1177.
We appreciate that this might seem excessive, there is very little downside of implementing the above measures, the potential upside is significant.
Practical info regarding Mindpark
– If you feel ill, stay at home if you can work from home.
– If you have a booking at Mindpark the cancellation policy is in your mail confirmation.
More information about the disease
The disease is spread mostly indoors, and to people you interact with often. The highest risk for serious effects from COVID-19 is for the elderly. We advice to minimize contact with your relatives or older people, especially if over 70. Note also that many people can carry the disease without any signs of it, but can still infect others. Please take the appropriate care.
For the latest updates from the Swedish Health Authority: