The Opening of THINK Open Space is now done, thank all of you that took a part of our amazing party and press lunch. We could not have done it without you. Right now we are trying to spread the word about THINK Open Space. That anyone from anywhere could come with an idea or dream and try to make it reality at our place. One way we are doing this is that Alexandra Hvalgren, the Community Manager of THINK Open Space, are setting up three hours every week when she coaches whoever. It’s at Tuesdays from 13:00 – 16:00. But it’s not only Alexandra that is gonna coach. The serial entrepreneur and founder of Mindpark, Karsten Deppert, is gonna coach during the same day and hours with a different specialty.
If you need coaching within starting or building your own company, questions about e-commurse or contacts within the startup scene in Öresund, send Karsten an email and book a meeting. You can reach him at
If you need coachning within events, starting your own company in the culture sector, want to do something at Magasin 405 or need contact with creative people let Alexandra know. You can book a meeting with her at
So, Tuesdays, from 13:00 – 16:00 – just hit us with your dreams and emails!