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The 8th of April seven new startups joined THINKs accelerator program. For three months they will get the help they need to develop the companies further. But which startups joined THINKs first batch? What’s their story and dreams? Here you will get to meet the seven companies one by one and learn more about them. 


Andreas Krohn has a lot of experience working with APIs, technical interfaces between systems, and it was a natural step to bring this experience to Overview News. The founder, Gustav Hawkin, had worked with collecting information from databases for eight years before Andreas joined in and could bring he’s knowledge into the project. Together Gustav and Andreas are now focused on making the news data they are gathering available for other entrepreneurs and companies to use. The idea to their startup came when they realised how hard it was to collect newsdata, and the waste of time many companies’ spent on this.

Let’s go a little bit deeper into what they do. Overview News makes it possible for other entrepreneurs and companies to build their own projects and startups by using news data. Overview indexes news and enable you to search for something and get results from different newspapers. It should as an example make it easier to monitor your company’s trademark. Right now they have a beta version covering 650 newspapers from Sweden but they are constantly adding more newspapers to make the database bigger.

THINK’s accelerator program was not something totally new for them, Gustav had last year been a part of THINK with another idea, when it was an incubator and not an accelerator. They found out more about the accelerator program and what interested them was the counseling and knowledge sharing that was offered. In the future they hope to be the infrastructure and platform behind bigger companies’ news integrations. They hope to go global after testing the product more on the Swedish market.

gustav andreas krohn foto

Are you couris about the company and want to know more? Visit their website for mor information!