The 8th of April seven new startups joined THINKs accelerator program. For three months they will get the help they need to develop the companies further. But which startups joined THINKs first batch? What’s their story and dreams? Here you will get to meet the seven companies one by one and learn more about them.

Oskar Fyrgårds name for his startup is P-App, the idea is to help people find parking spots. This may stop the never ending problem of finding somewhere to park your car when you are visiting new places or crowded cities. The idea came to life about a year ago when he was traveling to Berlin. The only thing he and his friends had with them was an address to an apartment. The search for parking places started and when they didn’t find any Oskar started looking for an app on his phone that could help them. He realized that an app like that didn’t exist and after researching some more he realized that an app helping people find parking space was highly requested.
How does it work? The idea is an app that will help you find parking places after your own preferences. You are able to choose walking distance, the cheapest parking or if it should be inside or outside. It is as easy as googling. You search for an address or for example a restaurant you are visiting and the choices of parking appears on a map, you are also able to preset your requirements. Then you just click on the desired parking place and the app guides you to it.
“I will make this the google for parking spots”
A year after his idea came to life, he is sitting here at Mindpark through the THINK accelerator program. He had never heard about the program until a friend of him called and told him about the accelerator, and he applied the day after. Now he is going in the right direction and is testing the market. He believes that the biggest challenge will be to find a co-founder who is able to put in all there time and effort to the project. In the future he hopes that through the app everyone is able to find a parking place after their preferences in whole Europe.
Are you interested to know more or maybe you know a perfect co-founder for P-App? Contact Oskar at: for more information!