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Mindpark is home to numerous small and big companies – some of the brightest and most interesting business people and entrepreneurs in the region! Therefore we regularly interview some of our 80 companies and the people behind them, so that you can get to know them.

Katarina Bengtsson – Plusfamiljen Assistans AB
Where can we find Katarina? In an office in the white section
Curiosity? She used to run long distance – she even won money and a prize once when attending Broloppet!

What was your dream job when you were a child?
Dog attendant… Does that job even exist? Then there was a time when I wanted to care for elderly people, at a home for elderly.

What’s your current assignment and how did you end up there?
My main task is to handle applications for personal assistance for different people with special needs, mainly children with disabilities. After three years at Helsingborgs kommun where I worked as a social worker (care administrator) within the elderly care, it was time to widen my horizon and throw myself into new adventures. I then found out about Plusfamiljen from close friends.

Your role in the company? Describe the company and your service.
“Customer warrior” (Kundkrigare) is what my role is called within the company. My responsibilities include to handle all contact with Försäkringskassan, the municipality, school,”habilitering” (like doctors, physiotherapists, counselors, etc) and other medical efforts needed – everything that is necessary for the application process. Apart from that I also assist the families in all the contacts and meetings they need to have – I am the “plus” in the family!

Plusfamiljen is an auxiliary coordinator and provides auxiliary care for different families all over the country.

What would you give for advice to yourself, that you learned through your entrepreneurial journey, if you’d started the company today instead?
I am an employee, but if I would have started Plusfamiljen today I would definitely stick to having a nice way, good relations, straight and honest communication through which I believe you reach the best results.

What do you think you’re doing in 5 years? Where do you want your business to be in 5 years?
I believe I am still doing the same thing, but with more experience and knowledge within my area. At the company there will then be more “Customer warriors” (Kundkrigare) as Plusfamiljen is a growing company.

Why did you wan’t to be a part of the Mindpark community?
The company is based in Stockholm and I was the first to be employeed outside that area. They found an office for me here at Mindpark, which I am very grateful for. Inspiring, creative environment and nice inspiring people contributes to having the best work day.

Do you need help with anything at the moment? Something that other companies at
Mindpark can help you with.
I would like to know and learn more about if and how the different divisions within each Landsting, Region Skåne etc collaborate.

Which company at Mindpark would you like to know more about? That we can interview
Magnus Jeppsson – Nufarm

If you wan’t to get in contact with Katarina or learn more about her company you can do that here.
