Mindpark is home to numerous small and big companies – some of the brightest and most interesting business people and entrepreneurs in the region! Therefore we regularly interview some of our 80 companies and the people behind them, so that you can get to know them.
Lina Weibull – Weibull Ord & Idé
Curiosity: She is pretty good at drawing
Where can we find Lina? In a 8 square metre office overlooking the courtyard
What was your dream job when you were a child?
Like many other children I dreamed of working with animals, dolphins or lions. As I got older I was drawn to advertising, although I did not understand that one could work with advertising as a profession. I loved commercials and visited commercials views.
What’s your current assignment and how did you end up there?
I work as a copywriter and journalist. The road to get here has been very bumpy, but funny. Since I did not know that one could work with advertising I began to study at Uppsala University. I started with Egyptology, took a law degree, specializing me on Environmental Law. I have also studied art history and taken natural science courses at Lund University, and studied Spanish when I lived for a year in Chile. Before I finally went to study copywriting at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm I have been working both at court and at insurance companies. Now I have been working as copywriter more than 20 years, both at advertising agencies and as freelance.
Your role in the company? Describe the company and your service.
I work as a copywriter, writer and with web copywriting in my own business. The foundation of the company is advertising and communication. I work through advertising agencies or directly to companies and organizations. My clients are found in many different sectors.
What would you give for advice to yourself, that you learned through your entrepreneurial journey, if you’d started the company today instead?
Networking. It is extremely valuable to have good contacts in all line of business.
What do you think you’re doing in 5 years? Where do you want your business to be in 5 years?
I really like my job, and I am always on top when I have a lot to do. I have the privilege to work in many different areas and hope it will continue than way.
Why did you wan’t to be a part of the Mindpark community?
I moved in to Mindpark seven years ago when it still was called Ship. The place has developed very much in the years that I have been working here. Above all it is a more open and mobile place today, much thanks to all students that are in the house.
Do you need help with anything at the moment? Something that other companies at Mindpark can help you with.
I have daily exchanges with other entrepreneurs. And if I have a question, there is always someone who has specialist expertise. I can also ask colleagues questions concerning my own topic, the Swedish language.
Which company at Mindpark would you like to know more about? That we can interview next?
Plusfamiljen -Katarina Bengtsson
If you wan’t to get in contact with Lina or learn more about her company you can do that here.