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Last week Raspberry Jam Sweden was held here at Mindpark. We are proud to be a host to such an event, that inspires for more creative uses of technology.

Raspberry Jam has had smaller events here before, often in collaboration with CreativeLab. Having a full saturday spent on talking, showcasing and playing with Raspberry Pi is a great opportunity we believe, in fostering new uses and future innovations. Therefor we are proud to support it.

What is Raspberry Jam?

Raspberry Jams are all about Raspberry Pis – cheap mini computers that can be used to control anything from door, screens, window-blinders to complete media centers in a home. The rise of different hardware to supplement the Raspberry Pis has made the area of mini computers come – and now a days anyone can create things that previously would have been reserved for science fiction.

Great thanks to Karin from and the team for organising the event!

raspberry jam mindpark sweden 1

raspberry pi Jam Sweden Helsingborg Mindpark