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Last week we could proudly announce that three companies from the Mindpark co-working community had won awards. How could we know this week would have even greater news! This week three individuals connected to Mindpark have gotten different prizes – and all extremely prestigious ones!

Awards recognising their roles as enablers and helpers

All three awards, to three persons in completely different roles and areas, have been for their contribution to others and helping out to improve different parts of society. All of them have worked within their areas for many years, even if in different ways, making the prizes great recognitions for their aim to help others.

The people from Mindpark where:

Julius Gunnilstam, who runs the news site, won the Kunskapsspridare award at the Nordic eCommerce Summit in Stockholm. This was for his hard and long work as the editor-in-chief at and the important role the site has played in establishing the Swedish eCommerce scene.

Dimitrij Aleshkov, who runs the development company Bitkeeper, won the Developer Hero award at the Nordic Startup Awards in Oslo. This was for his engagement in helping other startups and newly founded companies with technical experience and contributing to the startup scene.

Joakim Jardenberg, former resident here at Mindpark and who now works as Chief of Internet for the City of Helsingborg (and also former owner of the name Mindpark), was awarded the Guldlänken award at the Offentliga Rummet conference in Karlstad. The award was the first one to a person that has worked hard to make the public sector more innovative.

We are very proud to have all these great people connected to us, and we appreciate the long and consistent work they have done for others around them. Our community – and Sweden itself – would not be the same without these three people hard and dedicated work.