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This is a post by Veronika, who was deeply involved in the re-branding process and the process of establishing Mindparks communication manual and the communication canvas.

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Veronika Chromik and I am founder of the communication agency nika communication. Several months ago I had a chat with Karsten Deppert who’d been thinking that Mindpark (back then Ship) was in need of a communication manual in order to grow and organize their communication efforts.

A very interesting project in my mind, said and done, of course I’ll take this project!

Communication manual in making

The project started out with a company name change (Ship became Mindpark). Together we sorted out how Ship was working with their communication up till then, what they wanted to achieve with a communication manual and most importantly how does Mindpark want to continue their work of communication, internal as well as external.

After having answers on above questions, I could identify which basic elements had to be included in the manual in order to describe all efforts in a clear and easy to apply approach. This resulted in two documents, a communication manual and a communication canvas. The manual itself serves as a guide and provides information about the communication climate at Mindpark. A document you need to read once and then come back to in certain situations. The canvas on the other hand is designed to be used, modified and followed on every day basis, by the entire organization, as a template for your everyday work in communication. In a matrix it states which company activities should be communicated in which channels, reaching who, in what time and how much internal time it takes communicating according to plan.

Purpose and goal

Together with the manual, the communication canvas is designed to unburden responsible in today’s massive ocean of communication channels. Both also serves to make all communication consistent to one company message, reaching out in relevant channels to relevant target groups.

So, instead of putting expensive time on searching for information, asking for ways of work and guessing the purpose of communication, Mindpark can today direct all that precious time in producing relevant and consistent communication, in lesser time.

A manual easy to apply for any business

It has been a great journey and together we have filled the communication manual and canvas with information relevant for Mindpark. If you are interested in knowing more or wish to organize your communication efforts don’t hesitate to contact me and we’ll have a look! The ground work is already done, now we’ll need to apply the information to your business, finding you an easier way of communicating, internal as well as external.

To sum up

With that said, I wish Mindpark all the best of luck in applying the communication manual and canvas to their everyday business and I am looking forward to follow this up after a few months in action. To be continued…

/Veronika Chromik
Creative Project Manager at nika communication