Another guest post by Lars Rosenqvist.
Mindpark is extremely popular and all the offices are now occupied by over 85 different companies*. We speculate that the biggest reason for the great interest is the new brand name Mindpark. The last office that has been moved into was by the THINK incubator, who moved from open desk area to their own office earlier this month. Johannes Ivarsson, the business developer at the incubator, has decorated the new office, that will be used by the newest companies in the incubator program and the preTHINK program. Johannes says that Mindpark is probably the best environment for entrepreneurship in Sweden.
When THINK took over the last office however a big problem emerged as well: the table tennis room disappeared, which had been moved their previously. Mindparks CEO Hampus Waldemarson explains:
“Ping-pong tables unfortunately do not pay the rents…”
Irritation has been heard among the companies however. Social Media Manager Daniel Hultberg from Aktivt Ledarskap says
“I recently moved here because of the ping-pong table and am now deeply disappointed.”
Samuel West is researcher in innovation at Lund University and our in-house creativity expert. He works fom here, at what he calls the ‘executive office’. He is of the opinion that the creativity and innovation risks to disappear:
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
So now during the christmas holidays, we have big decision to make – where will the ping-pong table be placed for 2014?
*[editors note] – In order not to scare away all future interest, I want to clarify that there are still desks available hire for single companies, as well as potential for future offices when companies move. So get into contact with us if you are interested
Guest writer; Lars Rosenqvist, Stylish interiors in the THINK office made by Olof Behrens