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CoderDojo is an international concept that aims to teach children between 7 and 17 how to code and make games. It is free to attend and run by volunteers from the CreativeLab organization here at Mindpark. It is currently held once a month, on tuesdays.

Last time it was also visited by one of Helsingborg Dagblads reporters, who did an interesting story about it.

The concept has gotten very popular and we are trying to meet the demand for all the children that want to learn coding skills. We are also always ready to welcome further instructors, so if you are interested in volunteering don’t be afraid to let us know – in this way more children can get a chance to learn to code!

If you want to know more, feel free to contact us, or keep an eye on our event calendar where also all CreativeLab events are listed, or the Facebook page where events are listed as well.