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We are super happy that Goto10, which is run by The Swedish Internet Foundation and is located at the entire ground floor here at our co-working space Mindpark, will finally open!

Due to the circumstances with Corona, there will not be one big opening event. However, there will be super-many different smaller events! In fact, there will be a lot of things happening the entire end of October, and November! And of course the events will be both at location, and digital!

For this opening, a lot of interesting people have been invited. Check out below for all the different seminars and events that will be hosted, to celebrate the opening.

What is Goto10?

Goto10 is an open space for internet related knowledge, networking and innovation, run by The Swedish Internet Foundation. It is located at the entire ground floor at Mindpark Malmö Central. It is free to be at the space, and to become a member and take part in all the events.

The space is made possible by The Swedish Internet Foundation (Internetstiftelsen), which has a similar venue in Stockholm as well.

It will also be the home of Foo Café, which hosts hundreds of events yearly.

Opening the 23rd of October – but events for more than a week!

Because the current situation with Corona, there is not one big opening event. Friday the 23rd Goto10 will officially be open for the public, and starting that day and the week afterwards a lot of events will be held, to celebrate it all.

The 23rd it will all be kicked off, with Foo Café launching it’s opening party.

So check out all the amazing things that will happen, and see you in the next couple of weeks!

And of course – everything is free, but you need to register so that the maximum isn’t surpassed.

23 oct, 16:45 – 21:00 – Foo Café Inauguration Party
26 oct, 14:00 – 14:30 – Elena Sjödin – Trends and insights of the service robot market
27 oct, 10:00 – 10:30 – Ass. Prof. Stefan Larsson – Internet idag: plattformar, AI och data
27 oct, 14:00 – 14:30 – Karsten Deppert – The future of work
28 oct, 10:00 – 10:30 – Sandra Uddbäck – How to make remote work work
28 oct, 12:00 – 13:00 – Tobias Sturesson – Building a Culture of Purpose and Integrity
28 oct, 14:00 – 14:30 – Bertil Björk – Ooops, jag råkade lära mig!
29 oct, 10:00 – 10:30 – Drivhuset – Inspiration till idéutveckling, om Drivhusets verksamhet
29 oct, 12:00 – 13:00 – Joakim Jardenberg – #ensakidag – live på plats och på nätet
30 oct, 10:00 – 10:30 – VentureLab – Så stöttar Lunds Universitet internet-relaterade idéer

Some examples of sessions

Welcome to the new home for Internet in Malmö