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Hej Hej, before you start your work for the day, let me introduce a lovely couple to you. 

Da Da    

Annie and Ben 

Annie works as a product designer in a small company of 4 people. 

Ben is the co-founder of an office supply company. The company is in the early stage of its business. Including him, there are only 3 people in his company. 

Let’s follow their steps and have a look at their workdays’ routines.


Annie&Ben get up and have breakfast.


Ben leaves the house and takes the bus to work 


Annie leaves the house and takes the bus to work


Annie arrives at the co-working place in the city center. She fills her coffee cup and is ready to start her day. 


After changing two kinds of transportations, Ben finally arrives at his office located on the edge of the city. 

It’s nice and enjoyable work time


Annie buys her takeaway lunch at the next-door popular restaurant and eats with a bunch of co-workers from different companies. They talk about what’s new for the week and exchange ideas about work. 

Ben heats the food he brought from home and eats with his other 2 colleagues as usual. 


Annie is having Fika with a coworker from an NGO that focuses on child care issues and is inspired during the conversation. She develops an idea of cooperating with this organization. 

Ben and his team are having a meeting now and the obstacles they are facing are driving them crazy. 


Annie finishes her work for the day.

Ben gets on the bus to home,


Annie arrives home.


Ben arrives home. 

This is a normal workday for this couple and their different work paces

How’s your workday? Which kind of work pace do you prefer?

Welcome to Mindpark and share with us your story!